Scope Circle: Cybersecurity Awareness

Online Panel Discussion

Date: 29 December 2022 

This online Panel discussion is organized by NexusGuard and co-organized support by UTAR CCS. Two CCS members are presented on this online Panel discussion. This online section is tasked by SCOPE (Sarawak Centre of Performance Excellence) (  to run a 30min – 60min discussion panel via zoom that is supported by the Sarawakian government.

The topic is:

More people are connected digitally for both work and leisure.  Governments around the world are legislating their cyberlaws and data protection laws. In support of government initiatives, institutes of higher learning play an important role in producing sufficient and qualified cybersecurity practitioners and experts. In this panel discussion, we will be looking at the challenges and opportunities that institutes of higher learning faces in the effort to educating the next generation in the field of cyber security.

As the Malaysian government is strongly pushing for the establishment of the cyber security industry in Malaysia with the establishment of Cyber Security Malaysia (CSM), the main aim of this online panel session is to have an open discussion to learn from each other in order to help the Malaysian industry strive and prosper.